A.nominal range
B.luminous range
C.charted range
D.geographic range
A.glare from background lighting
B.existing visibility conditions
C.elevation of the light
D.observer's height of eye
A.flashing red lights upstream and fixed red lights downstream
B.yellow unlighted buoys
C.signs and/or flashing red lights
D.red daymarks upstream and green daymarks downstream
A.odd or even numbers
B.the color of their top band
C.the location of the buoy in the channel junction
D.the buoy's light rhythms
D.Alternating yellow and white
Which buoy will NOT display white retro reflective material().
() is a defined area within which ships must use particular caution and should follow the recommended direction of traffic flow.
You should plot your dead reckoning position().
What describes a flood current().
What is a lighted safe water mark fitted with to aid in its identification().
You have been informed that dredging operations may be underway in your vicinity.Which buoy indicates the dredging area().
() is a circular traffic lane used at junctions of several routes,within which traffic moves counterclockwise around a separation point or zone.
When navigating a vessel,you().
The points on the earth’s surface where the magnetic dip is 90° are().
When approaching a preferred-channel buoy,the best channel is NOT indicated by the().