A.coming up from the BDC B.coming up from the TDC C.coming down from the BDC D.coming down from the TDC
A.open B.close C.drain D.vent
A.discovered B.had discovered C.invented D.had invented
A.because B.thanks to C.dues to D.owing to
A.because B.since C.due to D.owing to
A.when B.how C.where D.whether
A.slow-speed diesel B.medium-speed diesel C.high-speed diesel D.constant-speed diesel
A.injector B.compressor C.diffuser D.siphon
A.Should knocking occur B.If knocking occur C.Should if knocking occurs D.If occur knocking
A.the peak pressure in a cylinder B.the temperature of the cooling water C.the fuel consumption D.none of the above