A.Danger of heavy ship sweat exists; constant and vigorous ventilation is required
B.There is danger of heavy cargo sweat if outside air is introduced by ventilation
C.There is little danger of ships sweat, slight possibility of cargo sweat; moderate ventilation is needed
D.The po sibility of any sweat problem, either cargo or ship, is frame
A.acceleration greater than on conventional vessels
B.acceleration less than on conventional vessels
C.acceleration the same as on conventional vessels
D.no acceleration
A.help keep the deck dry
B.prevent stress concentrations on the stringer plate
C.protect against twisting forces exerted on the frame of the vessel
D.reinfo ce th eside stringers
A.as it warms up it becomes heavier than air
B.the way it reacts with sea water
C.the strong odor it produces
D.its low temperature causes frostbite or freezing
A.PV valves
B.warning signs
C.flame screens
D.stop-check valves
Shipboard Emergency Drills must be carried out at least()on board cargo ship.
When steering by autopilot,how often should the steering be checked?()
ECDIS must be able to perform all of the following EXCEPT().
Which wind results from a land mass cooling more quickly at night than an adjacent water area?()
When the wave period and the apparent rolling period are the same().
The company should establish and maintain procedures to control all documents and date which are relevant to().
Full details of all lights and fog signals are shown on().
Despite the rising importance and great convenience of the gyrocompass,the magnetic compass still retain its importance because of its().
How long are you prohibited to consume alcohol prior to serving as a member of a watch?()
Which of the following shall not the officers in charge of the navigational watch do?()