A.GMDSS radio logs are required to contain entries pertaining to all incidents connected to radio communication service which appear to be of importance to the safety of life at sea
B.All distress communications must be entered in the GMDSS radio log
C.Both of the above
D.None of the above
A.Redundancy of functions of certain equipment will partially meet this requirement
B.On-board maintenance provided by a person holding a GMDSS maintainer's license will partially meet the requirements
C.Shoreside maintenance and scheduled tests and inspections will partially meet this requirement
D.All of the above
A.While the ship is at sea,there must be available at all times a supply of electrical energy sufficient to operate the radio installations and to charge any batteries used as part of a reserve source of energy
B.Both the VHF and MF/HF installations must be simultaneously supplied
C.A means of ensuring a continuous supply of electrical power must be provided to all GMDSS equipment that could be affected by an interruption in power
D.If a UPS or equivalent is used to supply power to the ship's GPS receiver or other source of positional information,a means must be provided to ensure the continuous supply of the information in the event of a failure to the ship's main or emergency source of power
A.Locating signals are transmitted by survival craft VHF transceivers
B.Locating signals are transmitted by SARTs
C.Locating signals are intended to facilitate the finding of a distressed vessel or its survivors
D.Locating signals are not transmitted by autoalarm generators
A.Each compulsory vessel must carry at least two licensed GMDSS Radio Operators at all times while at sea
B.Each compulsory vessel must carry at least two licensed Radio Operators at all times while at sea and may elect to carry a GMDSS Radio Maintainer as well
C.Communications involving safety of life at sea do not have to be logged as long as the compulsory vessel was not involved in such communications
D.While at sea,adjustments to,and the maintaining of,GMDSS equipment may be performed by the GMDSS Radio operator as long as the work is supervised by an onboard licensed GMDSS Radio Maintainer
A.Navigational Warnings
B.Meteorological Warnings
C.Search and Rescue Information
D.All of the above
SOLAS ships shall be equipped with().
Particular care should be()in selecting CESs in areas where Ocean Regions overlap.
Monitoring is especially important in a highly automated system which is dependent on careful()procedure and format.
At least two two-way VHF radiotelephone apparatus shall be provided on every cargo ship of()tons gross tonnage and upwards but less than 500 tons gross tonnage.
We consider()send a helicopter with medical facilities to the distress area.
Please use()for().
Every ship constructed on or after()shall comply with all the applicable requirements of this chapter.
Radio beacon can be activated()in case of distress.
By using()system a ship can send a distress message and know with certainty it will be received.
Every lifeboat which is fitted with a fixed two-way()radiotelephone apparatus with an antenna which is separately mounted shall be provided with arrangements for sitting and securing the antenna effectively in its operating position.