A.weather vane,wind vane or wind sock
D.sling psychrometer
A.set the relief valve
B.check the lubrication system
C.vent the pump casing
D.open the pump suction and discharge valves
A.increase engine speed to insure adequate flow of oil to all parts of the engine
B.pay no attention unless there are unusual noises from the engine
C.check operating pressures and temperatures,and check for leaks
D.run the engine at idle until the temperature has increased
A.shallow water
B.an engine that is misfiring
C.a tight tail shaft gland
D.worn stern bearing or misalignment
Application for a waiver of any requirements of the regulations for oil transfer operations must be submitted to the().
As you approach mile 427.6 AHP,you see on the right side a white buoy with orange bands and diamond. This buoy marks().
As compared to carbon dioxide,dry chemical has which advantage?()
As a rule,ships of most configurations,when drifting in calm water with negligible current,will lie().
As a high pressure system approaches,the barometer reading().
As defined in the regulations governing marine casualties a “marine employer” may be the().
As you approach Old River Control Structure Light you see a flashing amber light. You should().
At 0400 your vessel is dead in the water and in heavy fog. Your loran set fixes your position at LAT 41°12.1’N,LONG 72°43.5’W. Bottom samples are taken and indicate a composition of soft mud and shell. Your fathometer reads 40 feet. If the vessel draws 9 feet of water,which of the following is TRUE?()
As you approach mile 659.4 AHP,you see on the right descending bank a flashing green light. This light marks().
At 0715 you take the following bearings: Race Rock Light 328°pgc; Little Gull Island Light 249°pgc; Mt. Prospect Antenna 036°pgc. Based on your 0715 fix,which statement is TRUE?()