A.emergency gear
C.deck cargo storage
D.securing gear
A.placed on deck to support the cargo
B.separation pieces used to keep cylinders upright and steady
C.shims for stowing baled cargo
D.nets placed across the hatch opening to keep the cargo from falling in the hatch
A.dried,and stowed in a place with adequate ventilation
B.stowed in a hot,moist compartment
C.stowed on deck at all times
D.stowed in any compartment
A.pull the tagged end from the top of the coil
B.pull the tagged end through the eye of the coil
C.secure the outside end and unroll the coil
D.unreel the coil from a spool
A.move port-side main-deck cargo to the starboard side
B.fill the starboard double-bottom
C.pump water from the port double-bottom to the starboard double-bottom
D.pump water from the port double-bottom over the side
Nylon line is NOT suitable for().
The fittings used to secure a watertight door are known as().
The most common method of securing a line to a cleat is a().
The freight will not be payable()the goods are delivered in such a condition that they are substantially and in a mercantile sense the same goods as those shipped.
A tool consisting of a handle and releasable chain used for turning pipe or fittings of a diameter larger than that which a pipe wrench would fit is called().
The release of the attached ship can()only by provision of bail,usually a very large sum.
The lashings of a stack of containers with interlocking fittings restrain the forces that cause().
If the goods shipped are perishable,low cost goods,live animals,deck cargo,etc.,the freight and all related charges shall be paid().
I’ve already put down the remarks DECK CARGO()SHIPPER’S RISK in the Shipping Order.
To reduce stress on the towing hawser when towing astern (ocean tow),the hawser should be ().