A.If one screw is stopped,the ship will turn toward the side of the stopped screw
B.The principal force which turns the ship is set up by the wake against the forward side of the rudder
C.Turning response by use of the rudder only is greater than on a single-screw vessel
D.With the rudder amidships,the ship will steer a fairly steady course
A.towed sideways by an overwhelming force on the towline
B.her tow moves parallel to and forward on either side of the tug
C.the tow is no longer directly astern but moves up on her quarter
D.All of the above
A.directly astern and pushing the tow
B.towing on a hawser
C.towing alongside and parallel to the vessel it is towing
D.towing on the hip
A.the weight of its tow,its being anchored,or grounded
B.the weight of its towing hawser on the bottom
C.an adverse current
D.lack of power or an engine breakdown
A.rudder bound
B.being tripped by the towline
C.unable to maneuver
A.tidal wave
B.storm surge caused by a hurricane or tropical storm
C.earthquake on the ocean's floor
A towing light is().
A tackle is “two blocked” when the blocks are().
A towing hook may be released from the().
A slow,gradual fall of the barometer indicates approaching().
A time diagram is a diagram on the plane of the().
A towing vessel’s fire detection system may be certified to comply with the Coast Guard’s towing vessel fire protection regulations by().
A time diagram is a diagram of the celestial sphere as observed from above the().
A strong,often violent,northerly wind occurring on the Pacific coast of Mexico,particularly during the colder months,is called().
A vertex of the navigational triangle is NOT located at the().
A storm’s track is characterized by all of the following except().